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aerial view of the farm at Goodstone Inn

The Farm

at Goodstone Inn & Restaurant

Goodstone is a functioning farm that has cows, chickens, and even a llama. We take pride in supporting the National Wildlife Federation's sustainability guidelines through our farming and gardening initiatives.


During your visit, we invite you to take a tour of our verdant farm to learn more about our sustainability practices and our farm-to-table culinary program, which is run by our highly skilled team.

The Goodstone Farm Commitment



Sustainability is built into the foundation of Goodstone Inn & Restaurant. Here, you can enjoy a luxury experience with the knowledge that you are not asking the Earth for more than it can give.


We grow our own food using regenerative agricultural practices. We focus on crop rotation and harvesting seasonal herbs, fruits, and vegetables – all of which will end up back on your plate in the restaurant.


Goodstone is a haven for our animal friends – big and small. You will likely see foxes, deer, and other creatures roaming around the property. We increase biodiversity by adding native plants and pollinator-friendly flowers to welcome birds, bees, and butterflies to our farm.


Explore the Farm

At Goodstone Farm, our top priority is to serve our guests with the freshest and most regional cuisine. We take pride in providing a tranquil environment where our guests can connect with the area and spend time with our animals.

The Goodstone Farm Animals


At Goodstone, we consider all our animals as beloved members of our community. Our vast rolling pastures are home to a variety of animals, including Black Angus Cattle, Icelandic Sheep, Suffolk Sheep, flocks of hens, and even a few barn cats! Though we don't have horses on-site, you may spot a horse rider galloping and jumping through the fields. 


Our most famous animal is Greyson, the llama. While Greyson may not be the cuddly type, he loves to pose for photos. If you happen to run into Sarah, the friendly donkey, she may even come up to say hello. 


We also have a range of wildlife living on our property, such as foxes, squirrels, woodchucks, deer, badgers, eastern box turtles, snapping turtles, possums, raccoons, groundhogs, minks, weasels, and coyotes. 


While you're here, we encourage you to spend time around these amazing creatures, but please remember that they are wildlife and should not be disturbed.

36205 Snake Hill Road, Middleburg, Virginia, 20117 USA 
Local Phone: 540-687-3333
Toll Free USA & Canada: 877-219-4663
Tailor-Made Experiences:

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